How to delete your account

To assist in your compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the following steps can be taken if you wish to Delete your Account.

  1. Login to Wink Reports as an Administration User.
  2. Click on the Organisation link from the Wink Menu.  Your Organisation hierarchy will be displayed.
  3. Click on your Organisation name, the Organisation page will be displayed.
  4. Click on the Delete tab to display the Remove Organisation options.
  5. Click on the Remove Organisation button to delete your account.  You will be asked to confirm your Organisation details before proceeding.
  6. Type in your Organisation name to confirm that you wish to delete your account and click the Delete Organisation button.  
  7. This initiates a process to remove all data related to your account (e.g. Users, Reports) which will then permanently remove your account once completed.